Ukrainian Refugees in Germany. You Win Some and You Lose Some? (Part 4)

How my journey ended with taking in two Ukrainian families…

One year ago, to the day that I uploaded this video, my partner and I took in two refugee families.

There is joy and sadness in reviewing their journeys, but God was always faithful. 

Through the good and bad, what you decide to believe about the experience is IMPORTANT. 

👉 This video shares how to pull into faith no matter what the outcome is to any experience.

We are Owned By Love,



Don’t miss a thing!

This is the last video in a series of four being created. May I suggest subscribing to the Owned By Love email list here below AND the Owned By Love YouTube channel here to make sure to get the updates on future videos?

Oh, and yeah!-

If you want to watch all four parts of the series, you can do so here.

VideoKatrina McHyde